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The National Rural Health Resource Center is a nonprofit organization dedicated to sustaining and improving health care in rural communities.

As the nation’s leading technical assistance and knowledge center in rural health, The Center focuses on five core areas:

  • Transition to Value and Population Health
  • Collaboration and Partnership
  • Performance Improvement
  • Health Information Technology
  • Workforce 

Apr 26, 2019

The transition from volume-based payment to value-based payment is underway – accountable care organizations, bundled payment plans, and global budgets are coming to rural hospitals. With value-based payment comes an expectation for care-improving and cost-saving performance. Value-based performance will be driven by, and evaluated on, physician performance. Therefore, to be successful in value-based payment strategies, rural hospitals must actively engage and collaborate with local physicians. Rural hospitals that proactively engage physicians in the transitions to new payment and care models will be most capable of receiving value-based payment.

Dr. MacKinney will discuss new value-based care and payment models that are increasingly prevalent, even in rural areas. He will discuss the stereotypical differences between physicians and administrators and how an understanding of those differences can increase the likelihood of trusting relationships and shared visions. Lastly, Dr. MacKinney will discuss recent updates to the Quality Payment Program.


·         Understand the increasingly important role physicians play in value-based care and payment

·         Describe the stereotypical differences between administrators and physicians

·         Discuss administrative strategies likely to improve physician engagement

·         Understand new Quality Payment Program updates